Liquid chemical decontaminant against corrosive chemicals and fluorides.
This is why including a decontamination step in the process is important to preserve the material and protect personnel.

- Neutralizes chemicals (acids, bases and HF)
- Indicates visually when neutralization is complete
- Avoids the risk of error through its compatibility with chemical products
- Provides the possibility to manage the situation internally without the need for emergency services
- Increases the life span of contaminated equipment
- Neutralizes the chemical even in the roughest spots
Technical specifications of SAFUREX®
Effective even on hydrofluoric acid by chelating fluoride ions.
Indicates the end of neutralisation
Concentrated neutralizing agent
Active neutralisation
Non Hazardous
How does it work ?
Schematic video showing how Safurex® chemical decontaminant works.
Shot showing a "caution sol glissant" sign next to a tank on a wall. A corrosive chemical spilled on the tank and wall. SAFUREX® liquid chemical decontaminant is sprayed onto the wall and object. The liquid turns pink, indicating that it's an acid.
Zoom in on the liquid: we see SAFUREX® sprays touching the spill, which turns pink. The words "color indicator" appear. Zoom in on the reaction at molecular level: SAFUREX® traps and neutralizes the acid.
Zoom out: the tank and wall are now clean. Neutralization is complete as soon as the initial color returns.
Back to the first sequence, with the tank against a wall and the "slippery floor" sign, with liquid spilled once again. The SAFUREX® liquid chemical decontaminant is sprayed onto the wall and object. The liquid turns blue, indicating a base.
Zoom in on the liquid: we see SAFUREX® sprays touching the spill, which turns blue. The words "color indicator" appear. Zoom in on the molecular reaction: SAFUREX® traps and neutralizes the base.
Zoom out: the tank is now clean. Neutralization is complete as soon as the initial color returns.
End of video.
Safety recommendations during chemical accident
- Remember to wear the appropriate safety equipment for chemical spills and use the appropriate signs.
- Remove the decontamination residues as chemical waste according to the national regulations in force.
All our products

Eliminate the risk of chemical inhalation for your employees and corrosion for your machines following corrosive or toxic gas leaks